An earthy tea with an added bright mint flavor.
Ingredients: Black Cohosh Root, Red Clover Blossoms, Ginkgo Leaf, Shatavari Root, Vitex Berry, Yarrow, Lady’s Mantle, Spearmint Leaf & Motherwort
A powerhouse of functional herbs mixed with the intent of a more balanced you. Lady’s Mantle helps to reduce excessive bleeding and stimulates menstruation Vitex Berry (Chasteberry) helps irregular periods, breast pain, infertility, PMS & menopause. Red Clover Blossoms ease inflammation. Shatavari Root aids in regulation of hormonal fluctuations. Yarrow improves circulation. Spearmint Leaf aids in digestion. Ginkgo Leaf contains properties to boost circulation. Motherwort reduces anxiety & can balance emotions during cycle. Black Cohosh Root reduces vaginal dryness & hot flashes. Suggestion: 2 cups a day